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Map of Love [work-in-progress]

 This is a multimedia project that takes us on a journey through an imaginary country called ‘Tendre’. This is a vast territory occupied by villages where people decide to live their lives. A few fortunate ones settle in towns such as Tenderness, while others decide to live with a view of the Lake of Indifference.


With this piece I am particularly interested in highlighting the creative process as it is developing, therefore the project will be ‘in-progress’ for the duration of the exhibition and through the spring of 2015. There are several performances scheduled between September 26th and November 9th of 2014, as part of this project. These performances will be videotaped and uploaded to this website as they happen. Each of these is an exploration of one of the towns on the map.

The great Christiane D. Leach takes us on a journey through a conflicted relationship with the town of Goodness.

This video was shot in downtown Pittsburgh in the afternoon of October 29th, 2014.

Directed by Carolina Loyola-Garcia
Featuring performer and artist Christiane D. Leach
Camera: Brian Duncan and Carolina Loyola-Garcia
Music: Hector Moro
Commissioned by SPACE Gallery, a project of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust for the 2014 Pittsburgh Biennial.


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